Volunteer Call Out List

Without volunteers, hot lunch, fundraisers and after school events are NOT possible.
We need (and appreciate!) parents/guardians who help out so that their children can have fun and exciting opportunities at their school.

To sign up for our Volunteer Call Out List, please email pac_mob@vsb.bc.ca and let us know your availability! Remember, this does not mean that you MUST volunteer when needed and can always tell us if you are unavailable!



We are still currently looking for help to fill PAC Board positions for the 2024-2025 school year! If you would like to make a difference at your child’s school, please email chairmoberly@gmail.com.

Fundraising Coordinators
Hot Lunch Coordinators
Events Coordinators

At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.
— Jane D. Hull