Fun Lunch Program



This year, we will offer Fun Lunch twice a month from various vendors. Orders can be placed on MunchaLunch once it is open - look out for our e-mails! For MunchaLunch instructions, see below.

Our upcoming Fun Lunch days are: 

Pizza Day (Yummy Slice Pizza) - Friday Sept 27
- Other Dates Still Being Scheduled -

There are 2 steps to order Fun Lunch:

  1. Register at MunchaLunch

  2. Order through MunchaLunch


How To Register

  1. Go to:

  2. Click the “Register Here” button (as shown below). The system will guide you through

  3. After adding your children, click the green “Order Lunch!” button to order

  4. Next time, just click the “Login Here” button to access your account.

How to Order

Online ordering will be OPEN until 7 days  prior to the fun lunch date in order for vendors to order ingredients and prepare our meals. 

Your order is received when you get 1. an order confirmation email 2. a payment receipt email. If you do not receive a payment receipt, we do not have your child’s order.

If you need assistance with ordering, or do not have access to the internet, please contact

*Please note if your child is ill on a lunch date, you are welcome to come and pick up their lunch by 12:45pm at the west covered entrance of the school; otherwise please consider it a donation for a child in need. Consistent with previous years, there are NO REFUNDS as this is a PAC fundraiser. We appreciate your support for our hot lunch program as the funds go towards fundraising within the school.  

Please remember to pack snacks , drinks and cutlery!

Payment Details

We prefer that you pay by credit card online through MuchaLunch.  If you do not have a credit card, contact and we can help you work around this. 

Older android and smartphones don’t connect with the Munchalunch payment system. But don’t worry, try signing into Munchalunch from a different phone, tablet or computer and pay. You can also try Google Chrome. If that doesn’t work, you can etransfer the PAC. Contact to arrange payment.

We do NOT receive your orders unless payment is made. Even though you get a confirmation order email, you need to also receive a Payment Receipt. The system does not send us your order unless you pay.


Please come to help with hot lunch! No experience necessary! Sign up for a day that works for you. Sign Up for Hot Lunch at


Q. I can’t seem to pay, what can I do?

A: Older android and smartphones don’t connect with the Munchalunch payment. But don’t worry, try signing onto Munchalunch from a different phone, tablet or computer and pay. You can also try Google Chrome. If that doesn’t work, you can etransfer the PAC. Contact to arrange payment.

Remember: We do NOT receive your orders unless payment is made. Even though you get a confirmation order email, you need to also receive a Payment Receipt. The system does not send us your order unless you pay.

Q: Why was my order cancelled?

A: Orders are cancelled automatically if we do not receive payment by the order deadline. Contact to see if it is too late to order.

Q: My child didn’t receive the lunch I ordered.

A: We do NOT receive your orders unless payment is made. Even though you get a confirmation order email, you need to also receive a Payment Receipt. The system does not send us your order unless your payment is received by the order deadline.

Q:  I need help with my order. Who can I contact?

A: Please email with any questions.

Q: I didn’t know about a field trip and already put in my lunch order, can I cancel my kid’s lunch?

A: You can change or cancel orders up until the order deadline. If you have already paid, a credit will be applied to your Munchalunch account if a request if received 7 days in advance of the Hot Lunch date. If changes are after this order date, you may pick up your kid’s lunch when they get back.  If unable to pick up, you can also email to let us know to give your kid’s lunch to a child in need of a lunch.

Q: Can I contact the vendor directly about my child’s specific food allergies?

A: Yes.

Q: Can teachers and school staff order their lunch through this system?

A: Yes! Just sign up the same way as students do at